Sometimes the planets align.
Before Christmas I had an Open Hours at the Sew-op about last minute gifts. No one showed, so I used one of the ideas provided by my Upper Valley Fiber Crafts co-blogger Jenn to make this guy:

He’s from Mix and Match Monsters from It’s Always Autumn. I left him at the Sew-op to be a sample for Jenn’s last minute gifts Open Hours a few days later, and in the hustle and bustle of Christmas forgot about him entirely until I was back at the Sew-op today (and didn’t realize how much he has in common with the monster of the same shape on the website until looking it up tonight).
Incidentally, that pink button was just lying around in the Sew-op, and I was amazed what it did for the character. Just see side by side:
Personality………………… ALL the personality.
He plays the rare 8-string bass. I asked my husband if he wanted him, and he said yes, “but I didn’t want to just ask if I could have him.”
One more shot with better light and camera. I only had my flip phone with me for the above.