Not shirt sleeves — gadget and pen sleeves. Next week I’m teaching a custom gadget sleeve class at the Sew-op, and starting yesterday I made two samples to hang up as advertising.
One has a flap with a large snap and is simply a flat pocket. The other has an elastic loop that catches a button and has its bottom corners darted out to create a boxier shape. Both are fully lined and quick to make.
After I finished the second one this afternoon I was encouraged to make a simple pocket for colored pens. My latest organization scheme involves a central depot for events, appointments, and daily to do lists, written in color according to category. That allows me to see at a glance whether I really have to gear up one part of my brain or another and whether there are, say, gaps in blog coverage, and also saves a bit of space since something written in green is assumed to be for ReveDreams without any annotation. I may have underestimated the appropriate amount of elastic, but it will do for now.