My brother turned 40 two days ago, and he collects Pez dispensers. For his birthday, therefore, I made him some custom Pez. The first step, left a mystery in last Thursday’s post, was ruining several utility knife blades decapitating real Pez dispensers, retaining the mechanism that pushes the candy out. The mixed media was to make new heads, relevant to his interests, and fully operational as dispensers.
Here are the decapitated dispensers. I made some spares in case I needed them. The original heads were football helmets and characters from the movie Cars.

And here are the recapitated dispensers!

He is a computer engineer and loves photography, to the point that he started a side business photographing weddings and other events. He love to bike and do other (nonmotorized) racing sports. He and his wife have a boat that they use as often as possible in the summer, which I tried but failed to replicate in clay. I could have drawn from his hobby of woodworking or the fact that he’s a great cook, but those both seemed harder to capture in Pez head form.
All of the dispensers do still work, although I realized on his birthday – two days after shipping – that I completely forgot to include the candy in the package.

Here are some more angles. From the top you can see the tread I cut into the tire, and to my surprise, the vent lines I cut into the computer monitor. From the side/back you can see that the computer is a Macintosh, with the power button on the right near the back.

Best of all, he loved them. Happy birthday, big bruvver!