Today is Pi Day, 3/14 (at least in the US).

Big and Little Pi Pattern
You saw a Pi and pi I made for my sister back in late 2012, with the pattern for little Big Pi. That version of big little pi required sewing to shape the curved foot. (The little Big Pi shown also had one leg longer than the other, due to a counting error.)
This version is sewing-free! The pointed foot and “horn” of the top bar curve through a combination of increasing/decreasing and a method I developed to collapse pairs of rounds into single rounds on the inside of the curve. The stitching takes some paying attention, but it isn’t difficult and all stitches are common (very common, in fact: slip stitch and single crochet).
But enough about that. I was fortunate enough to capture some pictures of Pi and pi in their usual haunts…

They love the soothing motion.

I think they’re gambling?

Where they go to relax!
Their individual beauty shots are on the pattern page.