April showers bring Mud Monsters!

Mud Monster Pattern
He’s a sloppy little guy, inspired by frogs and mudskippers — not to mention mud season. The pattern page has more about what’s required to make your own; here I just thought I’d show you an adventure we had. Just to warn you, there are a lot of photos past the cut in this post.
We got a good bit of rain this weekend, so it was perfectly wet. Down by the river, Muddy made a sand castle amid the pawprints and then posed with it.
Afterward, it was time for a little swim.
After a while Muddy was ready to come home. Nothing feels better after some damp, chilly weather than a bubble bath!
Of course mud monsters track all kinds of water everywhere. After all these adventures it was high time to just cuddle up in a towel on the couch.
Oh I was HOPING you’d show the mud monster cleanup!