Needle felting has become my go-to craft when I want instant gratification (instant craftification?). It’s low pressure and quick. I know eventually I’ll start working on larger scale and/or more detailed pieces and they won’t be done in a sitting or two, but right now I’m just experimenting. Today’s experiment #1 started with rolling some coarse wool into a cylinder and testing out the process of making an indentation around it by needling repeatedly on a line. It grew from there.
Partly because I was having trouble making a flat piece with nothing under it, and partly because I am curious to experiment with nuno felting ideas, my next project was to needle felt colorful wool onto a piece of unbleached cotton muslin. I decided to add black wool in between, since I love stained glass, and after a trip to White River Yarns to acquire some, I immediately sat down and had this:

I love how fuzzy the back is, but I’ll be applying some wet felting techniques to make it both more secure and thinner overall. I wish I had taken a picture before I added the leading so you could see the huge difference in appearance.