Evolution of a hippo

You saw the first draft of the snouty hippo some 17 months ago (Hi, FYDP), and it saw a few versions in between. I thought I’d show you them.

Previous drafts to the Snouty Hippo. See the evolution and get the final pattern at revedreams.com/.

Top to bottom, let me introduce the versions.

Draft 1 (red/orange/gray variegated): freehanded, intended to be a thumbnail hippo!

Draft 2 (purple variegated): snout adjusted, head shortened and body increases moved to chest instead of evenly spaced. Granted, this yarn’s a little thicker, but look how my stitching got larger over the months!

Draft 3 (orange): head shortened again, diameter of body decreased.

Draft 4 (red variegated): one more little head adjustment, time to make the body not a tin can, feet needed shrinking down.

Draft 5 (screaming yellow meemie): yet one more head adjustment, minor body adjustment, learning how to sew the legs on in appropriate locations. Very similar to the final version – I just made another edit to the body.

Here’s a better pair of photos to see the changing shapes.

Previous drafts to the Snouty Hippo. See the evolution and get the final pattern at revedreams.com/. Previous drafts to the Snouty Hippo. See the evolution and get the final pattern at revedreams.com/.

Rumor has it there are amigurumi designers who sketch their creatures, stitch them up, make a second copy for in-progress photos, type the pattern and send it off for testing. I am not such a designer. Most of my patterns work like this one, with quite a bit of distance between the initial draft and the final version. Worth the effort? You tell me!

Snouty Hippo

It’s National Hippo Day! [1] To celebrate, I have a new hippo pattern in the store:

Snouty Hippo wants to be your friend. Get the pattern at revedreams.com/shop/.
Snouty Hippo Pattern

I never thought that snouty hippos would be such nosy hippos! Look at this:

Snouty Hippos want to know if they can have some. Get the pattern at revedreams.com/shop/.
What are you eating? Can we have some?

Snouty Hippos are exceedingly helpful. Get the pattern at revedreams.com/shop/.
Ooh ooh! We’re good at crosswords! Does that say “Hi-po”?

Snouty Hippos meet their match in dachshunds. Get patterns for both at revedreams.com/shop/.
Who are you? [Dachshunds, nosy in a different way.]

Snouty Hippos are worse than housecats with the laptop. Get the pattern at revedreams.com/shop/.
Hey, is that us on the computer? Click there!

Snouty Hippos try for cake. Get the pattern at revedreams.com/shop/.
Can you reach? I’m trying, I’m trying!

Information about stitching and materials is in the shop.

[1] I learned long after planning this all out that this National Hippo Day originates with the game Second Life. National Hippo Appreciation Day, which has a Facebook page, is July 24. Perhaps we’ll speak about hippos again then.