Barbershop Quartet Day crochet

This post is dedicated to the Champaign-Urbana Sweet Adelines chorus, Toast of Champaign.

Tomorrow is Barbershop Quartet Day, the 76th anniversary of a Tulsa songfest considered the beginning of the Barbershop Harmony Society. I’ve never celebrated, but it is nevertheless close to my heart because I grew up with barbershop music. My mother has been in a Sweet Adelines chorus (and sometimes quartets) throughout my life, and through her I heard many choruses and quartets, male and female. The latest Sweet Adeline Queens of Harmony are a young quartet called LoveNotes, but the big name when I was listening a lot was Ambiance. I believe I’ve seen them live; I know I saw Joker’s Wild and The Gas House Gang — I have the cassettes to prove it.

The latest music to hit my ears was from this gang:

Sluggos singing barbershop harmony
Be sure it’s true when you say “I love you;” it’s a sin to tell a lie…

If you have your own quartet, only lacking a barber pole, a pattern is below, in time to make for any of your Barbershop Quartet Day celebrations. It may be made with stripes in up to four colors. The one above is two white and two red stripes, but it would also be traditional to have two white, one red, and one blue stripe, with the white stripes separating the red and blue. The store has a name your price pdf of this pattern that not only prints more nicely, but also includes a 6-stranded version so you can make cheerful candy sticks, and instructions to use either the 4 or 6 stranded version for a lip balm cozy, pen case, or reading glasses sleeve.

spiral lip balm cozies spiral pen cases

Continue reading Barbershop Quartet Day crochet

Baby animals for spring

I used to crochet in embroidery floss much more than in yarn, and have a desire to try all my patterns in floss. Here are the thumbnail animals:

embroidery floss hippo and pig from

They were stitched with six-stranded embroidery floss and a size 4 steel hook (2 mm). One skein of floss (8 m/8.7 yd) made one animal, with plenty left over. I used some small beads to weight their back ends, and a tiny bit of stuffing for the rest. Each one is about two inches long.

embroidery floss hippo from embroidery floss pig from

The hippo’s little ears don’t want to show up, so I think I would add a chain to each were I to make another. Otherwise I’m very pleased by the translation. Spider Plant likes them too.

FYDP Roundup 11

Happy birthday to my sister!

A small number of items this week, but accounting for a lot of work.

  • Finished the Embroidery on Crochet series I’ve been intending for a long time, and with that, the Learn Crochet pages count as “finished.” Of course I will continue to add to and revise them as I find (and create) more resources and learn more about crochet myself, but I’ve met my personal criteria to count the series as finished: the pages are all present, fleshed out, and interlinked, and there are at least two practice patterns available for every skill in the first six lessons. It is now a source for complete instruction in the basics of crochet, and a launch pad for more advanced topics (currently nine of them, plus amigurumi). Huzzah!
  • The second project was also a long time coming: finishing and releasing the Big and Little Pi pattern.


  1. Mending: 7
  2. Non-mend sewing: 5
  3. Elimination: 11
  4. Website updates: 6
  5. Crochet: 3