Hi! I’m Reve (reh’ vay), also known by my given name Rebecca. I’m pleased you’re here!
Contacting me: You can reach me by email as Reve at ReveDreams, or via the contact form below. I also reside at rweber.net (my “technical blog”, which is also a catch-all site for my various activities).
If you like curious decisions in pattern art and photo direction, check out my Instagram account Fun With Vintage Patterns.
You can follow this blog on Feedly or
Bloglovin, or subscribe via email using the sign-up form above (tap the menu icon to find it). You’ll find some of my crochet patterns on
More about me than you want to know: I’m a craft generalist who likes fabric remnants, watercolor, making do, trying new things, blank notebooks (and filling them), technical challenges, my seam gauge, my seam ripper, page layout, reorganizing, perfect sun for photographs, and compiling useful links. I am also a fan of puzzles, miniatures (provided the drawers and cabinets open), backyard birdwatching, science fiction, fantasy, teaching, cooking, wordplay, Qi Baishi, houseplants, history of computer programming and culture, Franz Marc, magical realism, synthpop, and dilettante graphic design. The fact that I’m a former mathematician shows occasionally. The question I most like to answer is “how do we make this work?”
About this blog: The blog has a large archive of posts about crochet and sewing, and a fair quantity about embroidery. There’s a little bit of everything, though, and as I write the direction of the blog is changing to focus more on journaling and activities suitable for craft nights. For a curated selection of blog entries try the showcase category (updated… occasionally). For a brief but informative look inside my brain, try this post.
Comment policy: Your first comment will be moderated, but afterward comments made with the same identifying information are automatically approved. Criticism and disagreement are welcome; abusive or hateful comments will be deleted. The comments never close; you are invited to reply even to posts that are ancient (and to ask questions, which I will try my best to answer)!